Saturday, November 27, 2010

What is Iranun?

Iranun as a word/term is composed two words which were joined together to formed a word with distinct interpretation and description. The word/term IRA means remains, residue, or silt. These word/term may refer to a place or area which was formed out of a long process evolved from remains or residual process that caused a formation of a place. NUN means people with distinct culture, laws, belief, tradition, of residual and remains process. It implies all places predominantly inhabited by the Iranun was a water millions of years ago which gradually becomes a land/soil through residual process. Thus, the territory of the Uranen Kingdom was a water which gradually becomes a soil for the people to estabilsh their comunity. Out of this concept, it is hereby described that Iranun is a group of people who were belonged to the ancient or prehistoric period of civilization which lived and occupied a certain territory (water in origin) which was formed through a residual or remains (silt) process thousands of years ago with organized socio-political structure with distinct culture, belief, custom and tradition. Thus Iranun is a nation not a tribe.


Iranun is not a tribe of any nation of the world. It is a nation with defined territory and sphere of influenced, political structure/system, socio-economic, educational system, culture, belief and tradition, and other aspects. It was one of the ancient civilized nations in the world. Its existence and civilization is contemporary with Sri Vishaya and Madjapahit Empires. It was a nation sprang from a Karingke-Karibang line of descent. Karibang and Kareingke were analogous with aetas of Luzon. During the Fall of Sri Vishaya Empire many of the people either family or political group migrated going north until such time that they reached and landed in the present Iranun Bay (Illana Bay), the center of the primitive people/ native inhabitants. This group of migrants was identified in the tarsila as Taw sa Guiwa ( English version people of Java). They entered into a social relationship with the Karingke-Karibang people. Intermerriages were established between the natives and the Javans. Out of this social process Iranun as a nation sprang. They established their political system KINGDOMSHIP patterned from Sri Vishaya Political System. The first ruler was Rajah Urannguwan. This system of government (Kingdomship) last until reign of Rajah Raut Buisan, the father of Sultan Kudarat.

This nation was destroyed and ruined by colonization. The colonizers like Spain and United States made a conquest and invasion to expand their territory and sovereignty and introduced their respective system and way of life. They used force and political strategies to destroy and dominate the natives. The colonization of the western nations fragmented and divide the Iranun nation into tribe. Unlike other foreign nations like China, India, and Arabs. They came not for conquest and invasion but for trade, commerce, education, and religion(spiritual) aspects. They helped the natives. The civilization of the natives was improved and strengthened due to the socio-political relationships with China,India and Arab.

The name of the state was Uranen Kingdom, its people was Iranun. The ancient Uranen state is the Mindanao of the present time. The terrotiry of the Kingdom stretched from Sibugay Peninsula to Tagalook Gulf with all in-lands areas, except Agusan and Surigao provinces. Its sphere of influenced reached as far as the present areas of Zamboanga and Misamis Provinces. The seat of government and center of civilization was in Tbok now a barangay of Malabang, Lanao sel Sur. Therefore the civilization in the Island started from the coastal area of the Iranun Bay (Illana Bay). Iranun tarsila named, called, and identified it as Biwang-Kawanan Tinday A Batal O Pagilidan (literarily translated as Left and Right Huge Coastal Principalities), in political interpretation say traditional name is translated as Kingdom of the Sea Coast, which refer to Uranen Kingdom, the official name.


Nov 24, '08 11:51 AM/ Category: Other
Tags: sultan/

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